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Tourist flow control - Action C4

Hiking leads about 30,000 visitors to visit the Gran Sasso every year, but it also reveals that the most popular trails, such as the Vie Normali in Corno Grande, are subjected to a strong erosion. In a similar way, a significant tourist pressure has been registered in some areas such as that of Fonte Vetica, with serious consequences on the conservation of the grasslands. In both cases the serious erosion phenomena on the trails are plain to see, the underlying rock is carved and the debris are carried all over the surrounding grasslands. In other areas the trail is almost invisible and hikers walk everywhere, damaging the rare and particular high mountain vegetation. This phenomenon has been noticed on the screes and on the rock areas, which are also the most fragile ones, but it is also present in some stretches of the trails crossing the grasslands: considering the latter case, the floor surface of the trail is excavated by the rainwaters which carry the gravel  to the surrounding grasslands, with the change of the ecological conditions of the areas affected by this phenomenon as a consequence. Not only the habitats, but also some animal species are involved such as the Apennine chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica ornata) and the Meadow viper (Vipera ursinii).

Also tourism on the road has a strong impact which shows itself on the streets through the upland of Campo Imperatore. Despite the prohibitions in force, the motor vehicles (off-road vehicles, SUVs, motorcycles, quad bikes) not only travel on the paved streets, but they also invade, and damage, the secondary carriageways. Some areas are often occupied by large groups of people who park their cars on the grasslands for picnics, obviously damaging the surfaces and often leaving non biodegradable waste.

In regard to how such habits affect the conservation of the grasslands, this action aims at removing and mitigating their threats through the renovation and revitalization of 10 km of trails, the localization of eight areas to be used as parking areas and the installation of specific signs that can direct the tourist flows to equipped areas, in order to safeguard the natural pastures.
Campo imperatore's street
Shop and restaurant in Campo Imperatore
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