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Actions for livestock farming

The Park's grasslands, especially on the Campo Imperatore upland, have been the scene of the sheep, goat, bovine and horse extensive breeding, an activity which brought wealth to the mountain community in the past, and today represents one of the Park's most significant production realities. Anyways, sustainability and the conservation of such centuries-old activities are tightly connected with the conservation of the grasslands' good conditions and with the adoption of proper grazing modalities.

Some areas are overloaded due to the concentration of livestock around the watering points, whereas in those areas situated far from water the grasslands evolve naturally, with the increase in some herbaceous species to the detriment of others.
In a similar way, the crisis of the extensive farming, which caused the abandonment of the pastures, leads to a biodiversity loss and to the consequent habitat reduction.

The harmonization of extensive grazing practices on areas characterized by a high environmental value is one of the strategic strongholds of the Life "Praterie" Project. The project provides a complex series of actions, some of which are preparatory to further interventions such as the realization of a "geo-database" regarding the use of the land and the most damaged areas, as well as the start of effective relations with the several stakeholders, in order to achieve a fruitful sharing of the project's goals, in the framework of the grasslands' biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.
Grazing sheep in Campo Imperatore
Horses by the Pietranzoni Lake
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