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Information Points - Help Desks

This operation reflects the E2 Action of the "Visitor and Information Centers" project, and it provides the installation of four Information Points called "Help Desk" all over the territory: their distribution all over the area meets the need to evenly cover the project area, with the aim of ensuring an active listening to the needs and proposals of both local stakeholders and citizens.
The information points are situated near the structures designated to welcome the tourists, both those owned by the Park Authority and those given on loan for use by Local Governments. The above mentioned structures are situated in the following localities:
Help Desks mainly represent the Life "Praterie" project's information and education interface for the different groups of stakeholders, and they act as a contact point between the Park and the local communities. Cultural events and information activities on the opportunities offered by the territory will be organized for the local communities, to foster citizens' participation and involvement. A particular attention will be paid to the disclosure of the best practices included in the project, and of the concertation procedure contents aiming at balancing the grazing practices and reducing the anthropic impacts on habitats.

Help Desks will also provide preparatory information for the visitors on the aware and sustainable use of the territory as well as on the trail and facilities network, always respecting Park's fauna, flora and environment.
Barisciano Help desk
Macchia da Sole Help Desk
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