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Help Desk - Action E2

The project's action E2, called "Centri visite e informazione" (Visitor and Information Centers), provides the widespread installation of four information points called "Help Desk", with the aim of spreading information regarding the mission and the actions of the project, and of ensuring an active listening to the needs and the proposals of both local stakeholders and citizens.

Help Desks mainly represent the Life "Praterie" project's information and education interface for the different groups of stakeholders, and they act as a contact point between the Park and the local communities. A particular attention will be paid to the disclosure of the best practices included in the project, and of the concertation procedure contents aiming at balancing the grazing practices and reducing the anthropic impacts on habitats, and at increasing tourists' awareness of the proper use of the territory.

The four information points are situated near the structures designated to welcome tourists, both those owned by the Park Authority and those given on loan for use by Local Governments. The above mentioned structures are situated in the following localities:

Development of the action
On the basis of the programmatic slogan "Qui il Parco è in ascolto" (Here the Park is listening), the Help Desks have accompanied the participatory process which led to the drafting of the guidelines for grazing, guaranteeing the organization and logistic management service for the territorial meetings that alternated with the plenary workshops.
As provided in the project, they continued the communication towards the territory, meeting and livening up the local communities.

Combined with the disclosure activities, the Help Desks' operators created the educational project "Imparare dai Pastori: alla scoperta della cultura pastorale nelle comunità del Parco Gran Sasso – Laga" (Learning from shepherds: discovering the sheep farming culture in the Gran Sasso - Laga Park's community), which will make it possible to spread the Praterie project among the pupils of some schools situated within the protected area.

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