Project Information Sheet
Municipal Decisions
(12 September 2017) - Achieving the target number of eleven new pasture regulations in as many municipalities of the protected area satisfies the standard set by the European Union for Gran Sasso-Laga National Park in relation to the Praterie project, but the imposition of some penalties, together with inaccurate information, have dissatisfied many operators and breeders who had participated, with commitment and sacrifice, in the sharing process to draft the pasture guidelines.
This is what emerged from the local meetings that are currently taking place in several Park areas, and that constitute a recap of the sharing process undertaken in the framework of the project. The meetings offered an opportunity to clarify that what happened is a consequence of the implementation of Regional Law 3/2014 ("Prescrizioni di Massima e di Polizia forestale") in the absence of regulations from pasture managers, but they were also useful to strengthen understandings with local authorities, such as the municipality of Valle Castellana, which expressed its will to adopt the Guidelines and to approve the Regulation.
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