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Priority Habitats (Directive 92/43/EEC)

6210* - Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) (* important orchid sites)
Polyspecific perennial grasslands with prevalence of Hemicryptophyte Gramineae, generally secondary, from dry to semi-mesophilic, especially spread in the Apennine Sector but also present in the Alpine Province and in the Submeso-, Meso-, Supra-temperate bioclimatic zones related to the Festuco-Brometea, sometimes characterized by a rich presence of Orchideaceae considered, in this case, as priority species (*).
As far as Apennine Italy is concerned, there are endemic communities, from xerophilic to semi-mesophilic, mainly Hemicryptophytes with a possible chamaephytic element, developed on different types of substrate.
This habitat is mainly spread in the pre-alpine sites with a carbonate substrate, in warm and well exposed average and low altitude areas, but it is usually rare. This habitat includes both priority and non-priority features, depending on the greater or smaller flower richness. Each plot can be only roughly defined: of particular interest are the meadows, the still used pastures and the drier and rock (xerobrometi) areas with a naturally slow vegetation dynamic.

6230* - Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on silicious substrates in mountain areas (and submountain areas in Continental Europe)

Closed, dry or mesophile, perennial Nardus stricta grasslands occupying lowland, hill, mountain and sub-alpine regions of both Alps and Apennines, developed on acid soils resulting from siliceous or carbonate soils, the latter being subject to leaching.
Their poor-quality conservation status is due to both the scarcity of leading species, especially when compared with the Nardus grasslands of the northern Apennine's western side, and the natural growth of shrubs as a consequence of the abandonment of the grazing activity.

Blooming grassland
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