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foto della notiziaParticipatory process for the grazing regulation
The report of the start workshop is online
(Assergi (AQ), 17 Dec 13) The report of the first workshop held in Camaldoli on the 30th of November - within the participatory process aimed at developing a Framework Regulation on Grazing - is available online on www.lifepra...
foto della notiziaThe participatory process with the territory's stakeholders starts
Target: writing a framework regulation for grazing together
(21 Nov 13) On Tuesday 26th November, from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm, at the Elodia Restaurant in Camarda (AQ), within the Life "Praterie" project, the first important workshop will take place to share the actions rega...
foto della notiziaThe Project moving into high gear
After the data collection the interventions on the territory are being planned
(11 Nov 13) The actions of "Praterie" quickly go on. To the present day, with the introductory operations being concluded - namely the collection and the analysis of the grazing regulations, the assessment of the...
foto della notiziaLife Praterie: the actions' progresses until November 2013
(05 Nov 13) The actions provided by the "Praterie" project carry on positively according to the plans. Once finished all the preliminary operations concerning the data collection, the grazing legi...
foto della notiziaLife Praterie Actions: the progresses until September 2013
(01 Oct 13) A positive assessment of the project and its related actions emerged from the monthly meeting of the "Praterie" team which took place on the 26th of September. As far as the Action A3 - Anal...
foto della notiziaLife "Parterie" project takes part in the 54th Sheep Festival
On 5th August the project team and the managers of the Help Desks will explain the project's actions
(31 Jul 13) The Gran Sasso and Laga Mountains National Park will take part in the 54th Sheep Festival, an event traditionally hosted and supported by the protected area, which will be presented in Campo Imperator...
foto della notizia"Life Praterie" project: the progresses until July 2013
(24 Jul 13) The "Praterie" project's staff met on July 17th for the usual monthly meeting in order to analyze the progresses of the actions provided in the project. The current situation of the "...
foto della notizia"Life+ Praterie": Reconnaissance of the water sources and troughs started
This is an introductory action for the redistribution of the artificial watering points all over the project area.
(Assergi, 24 Jun 13) The second monitoring survey for the reconnaissance of the watering troughs available in the high mountains was carried out in the last days within the Campo Imperatore area between the Pietranz...
foto della notiziaLife "Praterie": Grazing Harmonization Actions Launched
(03 Jun 13) Besides the realization of the preliminary actions - such as the online publication of the website, the opening of Facebook and Twitter pages and the realization of the first information brochu...
foto della notiziaLife+ Praterie: First Monitoring Visit
(22 May 13) The monitoring visit on the Life+ "Praterie" actions' progresses carried out yesterday by the representative of the Life Projects' external Monitoring Group, gave the Park Authority t...

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